Long Distance Relationships New Blog on Psychology Today

My newest blog on Psychology Today looks at long-distance relationships and how they can last for decades. It also gives a shout out to the many awesome polyamorous conventions where people can meet others looking for similar relationships. #polyliving #sexdownsouth #relatecon #southwestlovefest #polydallasmillenium #endlesspolysummer #polyamory #dating #relationships #conventions https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-polyamorists-next-door/201908/long-distance-polyamorous-relationships

Mucho Gusto! When Someone you Love is Polyamorous Translated to Spanish

My most recent book, When Someone You Love is Polyamorous, has just been translated into Spanish and is available online here. Feliz leyendo 🙂 polyamory #book #Spanish #Espanol #love #family #comingout The image is of a greenish book cover with what looks like a reddish sun surrounded by seven smaller orbiting bodies with circular paths.