Two New Studies on Polyamory Recruiting Participants

There are two new research projects coming out of the powerhouse team associated with Division 44 of the American Psychological Association Task Force on NonMonogamy lead by Drs. Amy Moors and Heath Schechinger. Scholars are recruiting for two new studies aimed at understanding the experiences, well-being, and relationship dynamics of people engaged in consensually non-monogamous …

Participate in Research on Emotional Intelligence and CNM?

Researchers at Colorado State University in Pueblo are conducting a study on emotional intelligence and CNM. If you are interested in participating, read more below. _________________________________________________________________________ I am part of a research team at Colorado State University-Pueblo that is conducting research about monogamous and various forms of non-monogamous relationships. We feel that the mononormative society …

Consider Participating in Doctoral Research on Polyamory

A colleague asked me to help publicize the research they’re doing for their doctorate in psychology. For more information see below. **************************************************************** My name is Ryan Noel, M.A., and I am a doctoral clinical psychology student at The Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. This confidential study explores the life stories of individuals who identify, relate, …

WHO Sexual Health Survey Hackathon: Bring Your Ideas

The WHO/HRP and partners are looking for sexual/reproductive health researchers to provide creative ideas that will be used to develop a standardized sexual health survey instrument. Individuals who contribute highly ranked ideas and have relevant experience will be supported to join a 72-hour WHO/HRP hackathon in January, 2020. The hackathon will finalize the sexual health …

Participate in Research on LGBTQ+ Folks in CNM Relationships?

Christopher Stults, an Assistant Professor at the Baruch College of City University of New York, is conducting an internet-based survey on diverse folks in consensually non-monogamous relationships. If you are at least 18 years old, identify as a LGBTQ+ person, and have been or are now in a CNM relationship, then you might consider participating in that …